Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3) and (c)
                                                           File Number 333-35079

                       Prospectus Dated November 12, 1997

                         ATLANTIC PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

                   1,500,000 PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED REDEEMABLE


                        3,805,654 SHARES OF COMMON STOCK,

     This Prospectus  Supplement  supplements our Prospectus  dated November 12,
1997 and  replaces in its entirety the  prospectus  supplement  dated August 31,
1998 that was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 10,
1998.  You  should  read this  Prospectus  Supplement  in  conjunction  with the
Prospectus, and this Supplement supersedes certain of the Selling Securityholder
tables in the Prospectus.  Capitalized terms used in this Prospectus  Supplement
have the meanings specified in the Prospectus.

                             SELLING SECURITYHOLDERS

     Listed  below are,  as of August 27,  1998,  the number of shares of Common
Stock  beneficially  owned by  stockholders  of the  Company  identified  in the
Prospectus  as Selling  Securityholders.  Because  the  Selling  Securityholders
identified  below may have sold,  transferred or otherwise  disposed of all or a
portion of their shares of Common Stock since the date on which the  information
regarding their shares of Common Stock was provided,  we cannot estimate current
or future  ownership.  The table of  Selling  Securityholders  on page 18 of the
Prospectus is hereby deleted in its entirety and supplemented with the following

                                                            COMMON STOCK
                                                         SHARES        SHARES
                                                      BENEFICIALLY    OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------               -----        ------

Joseph Stevens & Company, L.P. (1)                       330,000       330,000
Ronald J. DiCamillo                                        3,000         3,000
John Elges                                                 1,000         1,000
Lindsay A. Rosenwald, M.D. (2)                         1,133,458       788,951
H. Lawrence Shaw, M.D. (3)                                23,682        23,557
Sumner Burstein, Ph.D                                     11,250        11,250
William A. Ryan, Jr                                           48            48
Carl Spana, Ph.D                                           3,777         3,777
Paul Weisz, Ph.D                                           7,500         7,500
Eliot Barnathan, M.D                                       7,500         7,500
Alexander W. Clowes, M.D                                     750           750
Dwight Robinson, M.D                                         750           750
Paul Rys, Ph.D                                               750           750
David DeWitt, Ph.D                                           750           750
     TOTAL                                             1,524,215     1,179,583

- ------------------------

(1)  Represents shares of Common Stock underlying the Underwriter's Warrants and
     the Underwriter's  Redeemable  Warrants,  which are fully exercisable as of
     the date hereof. Joseph Stevens & Company, L.P. acted as the underwriter of
     the Unit  Offering and is a greater than five  percent  stockholder  of the
(2)  Includes  788,951  shares of Common Stock  underlying  a  fully-exercisable
     option granted to Dr. Rosenwald.  Dr. Rosenwald, a principal stockholder of
     the Company,  is the President and sole  stockholder of the Placement Agent
     and of VentureTek, L.P., a principal stockholder of the Company.

(3)  Includes  23,557  shares of Common  Stock  underlying  a  fully-exercisable
     option granted to Dr. Shaw.

     The preceding table was prepared based upon information  furnished to us by
Continental  Stock  Transfer  & Trust  Company.  From  time to time,  additional
information  concerning  ownership  of the shares of Common  Stock may rest with
certain holders thereof not named in the preceding  table,  with whom we believe
we have no affiliation.

     The  following  table  sets  forth the  number  of  shares of Common  Stock
issuable upon conversion of shares of Series A Preferred  beneficially  owned by
the stockholders identified in the Prospectus as Selling Securityholders,  based
upon the  conversion  rate as of the effective date of the  Prospectus.  At such
time and until August 6, 1998,  each share of Series A Preferred was convertible
into  2.12  shares  of  Common  Stock.  We have  registered  the  resale  of the
additional  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of the Series A
Preferred  resulting  from the  adjustment,  effective  August 7,  1998,  in the
conversion   rate.   See   "Description   of   Securities--Series   A  Preferred
Stock--Conversion."  Because  any or all of the  shares of Common  Stock  listed
below  may be  offered  for sale  pursuant  to this  Prospectus  by the  Selling
Securityholders  from time to time,  and  because  the  Selling  Securityholders
identified  below may have sold,  transferred or otherwise  disposed of all or a
portion  of their  shares  of  Series A  Preferred  since  the date on which the
information  regarding their Series A Preferred was provided, we cannot estimate
the  amounts  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  will be  held by the  Selling
Securityholders  upon  consummation  of any such  sales.  The  table of  Selling
Securityholders  on pages 18 to 22 of the  Prospectus  is hereby  deleted in its
entirety and supplemented with the following table:

                                                             COMMON STOCK (4)
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

Mark Abel                                                   5,300          5,300
Ross D. Ain                                                 2,120          2,120
Sal and Lorraine Albanese                                   5,359          5,359
Leslie and Maria Anderson                                  10,600         10,600
Andrade Enterprises, LLC                                   21,200         21,200
Mario Aristizabal                                           5,397          5,397
Harriet E. Arneson                                          5,300          5,300
Austray Limited                                            42,400         42,400
Martin G. Ballweg                                          10,600         10,600
Bryan C. and Leah D. Barker                                 5,300          5,300
Ronald Baruch                                                 742            742
Sam & Katie Benrubi                                         5,300          5,300
Larry Bernstein                                             2,120          2,120
Blumen Partners                                             1,329          1,329
Lewis S. Broad                                             10,600         10,600
Betty Joan Burr                                             2,650          2,650
Henry Burr                                                  2,650          2,650
John Burr                                                   2,650          2,650
Cambrian Investments Limited Partnership                    5,300          5,300
Robert A. Cameron                                          10,600         10,600
Francis P. Cappione                                         1,329          1,329
Thomas L. Cassidy                                           2,650          2,650
Jacob T. Chachkes and Bette Chachkes,                                 
  Trustees for Jacob T. Chachkes, M.D., P.C.,                         
  MPPP, Dated 11-1-85                                       5,300          5,300
Richard L. Childs                                           2,650          2,650
Moun-Shung Chi & Sue-Jame Chi,                                        
  Co-Trustees, Chi Living Trust                            42,400         42,400
Claughton Company Inc.                                      5,300          5,300
CNCA SCT BRUNOY/acct BGP                                   53,000         53,000
Irwin J. Cohen, M.D                                         5,300          5,300
Max Cohen                                                   2,650          2,650


                                                             COMMON STOCK (4)
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

Concordia Partners L.P.                                    26,500         26,500
Robert J. Conrads                                           3,983          3,983
Bradley Cooper                                             10,600         10,600
Archibald Cox, Jr                                          27,398         27,398
Thomas H. Cruikshank                                       10,600         10,600
Alfred C. D'Alessandro                                      5,300          5,300
Michael and Mary Darling JTWROS                             5,300          5,300
Andrew Davilman & Nancy Davilman, JTWROS                    5,300          5,300
Tommy Lee Davis                                            21,200         21,200
Delaware Charter FBO R. Craig Fetz                         42,400         42,400
Chris P. Dialynas, as Trustee of the                                  
  Chris and Sheri Dialynas Living Trust,                              
  Dated January 30, 1997                                   10,600         10,600
Dorothy Dulman                                             10,600         10,600
David Dworetzky                                             5,300          5,300
Edward Dworetzky                                           21,200         21,200
Robert & Evelyn Elliott Trust                               5,300          5,300
Richard C. & Mary Ann Fick Community Property               5,300          5,300
Denis Fortin                                                5,300          5,300
Lloyd A. Fox                                               10,600         10,600
Brian D. Frenzel                                            5,300          5,300
Benjamin & Sharyn Friedman                                  5,300          5,300
Merrit Brad Friedman                                        5,300          5,300
Craig S. Frolich                                            2,650          2,650
Gerald Frolich & Gloria A. Frolich JT Ten                   5,300          5,300
Robert J. Gall                                              5,300          5,300
A. Mark Gambee, M.D. and                                              
  Karen D. Todd, M.D. J.T.-W.R.O.S                          5,300          5,300
Ofelia Anton Gomez                                          1,700          1,700
Michael J. Gordon                                             663            663
Robert P. Gordon                                            1,325          1,325
Philip Granowitz                                            5,300          5,300
Bernard Gross                                               1,066          1,066
Grossman Family Trust                                       5,300          5,300
Leonard Grunstein                                           2,323          2,323
Allison Gushe Molkenthin                                   10,282         10,282
Alan and Paula Halperin                                     5,300          5,300
Fridolf Hanson                                              4,240          4,240
Harrigan Family Trust                                       5,300          5,300
Thomas Scott Haydon & Thomas Welch Haydon                   5,300          5,300
Austin E. Hills                                             5,300          5,300
HM Singer & Co Employee Pension Trust,                                
  Howard M. Singer TTEE U/A/D/ 1/1/95                       5,300          5,300
Harry Huang and Adrienne Masters,                                     
  Tenants by the Entirety                                   8,480          8,480
Hull Overseas, Ltd.                                        10,600         10,600
Gerald Johnston                                            10,600         10,600
Charles Jurgensmeyer                                       10,600         10,600
Joe Jurgensmeyer                                           10,600         10,600
Robert Jurgensmeyer                                        10,600         10,600
Virgil Jurgensmeyer                                        10,600         10,600
Patrick M. Kane                                             5,598          5,598


                                                             COMMON STOCK (4)
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

Amram Kass P.C. Defined Benefit Pension Plan                2,650          2,650
Ery W. & Helga L. Kehaya, JTWROS                           21,200         21,200
Kenbar Group, LP                                           31,800         31,800
Donald R. Kendall, Jr                                      10,600         10,600
John R. Kennedy                                             1,325          1,325
Shirley F. Kerbel                                           5,300          5,300
Keys Foundation                                            53,000         53,000
Robert Knox                                                 5,300          5,300
Gwen S. Korovin, M.D                                        5,300          5,300
Larkstone Inc.                                             21,200         21,200
Joseph Larosa                                               5,300          5,300
Laser Trading Ltd.                                          2,139          2,139
Stephen H. Lebovitz                                        10,600         10,600
Theodore Levine                                             5,300          5,300
Hyman Lezell Revocable Trust                               21,200         21,200
L.G. Foley Inc. Profit Sharing Plan                        10,600         10,600
Donna Lipman and Lawrence Lipman, Tenants in Common         5,300          5,300
Alfredo Livas                                               3,180          3,180
M&S Andrade Rev. Tr. For Comm. & Sep                                    
  Property UA Dtd 10/19/78, as amended                      5,300          5,300
Jon S. Marks                                                5,300          5,300
William M. Marks                                            5,300          5,300
Masada I Limited Ptnrs                                      1,859          1,859
Kevin T. McManus, MD                                        1,329          1,329
Lindsay A. McManus                                          5,300          5,300
Mega International Corporation                              5,300          5,300
William H. Metzger MD Inc. Retirement Trust                 5,300          5,300
Maurice Meyer III                                           5,300          5,300
Michael C. Miles                                            5,300          5,300
Mike & Terry Miller                                         5,300          5,300
Moonlight International Ltd                                25,440         25,440
W. Kym Murphy                                               5,300          5,300
Arthur J. Nagle                                             5,300          5,300
Mechie Nebenzahl                                            2,120          2,120
John S. Osterweis, Trustee For The Osterweis                            
  Revocable Trust U/A Dated 09/13/93                        2,650          2,650
Palmetto Partners, Ltd.                                    10,648         10,648
Alan Paulenoff                                              5,300          5,300
Gregory P. & Christine K. Pellizzon                         5,300          5,300
Peter & Pamela Pellizzon                                    5,300          5,300
Nita E. Pepper and James G. Pepper, Co Trustees,                        
  Trust F/B/O Nita E. Pepper U/A                                        
  Dtd 1/9/90                                               21,200         21,200
Dr. Tis Prager                                              7,950          7,950
Profutures Special Equities Fund, LP                       10,600         10,600
Alois Putre Jr                                              5,300          5,300
Raimundo J. Rodriguez P. and Anelies H. Huter de R          5,300          5,300
Marion Roffer                                              10,600         10,600
Robert W. Rohrlich                                          5,300          5,300
Michael Rosenbaum                                          10,600         10,600
Jonathan Rothschild                                         5,300          5,300


                                                             COMMON STOCK (4)
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

RSA Trust (DTD) 3/7/95 (Ralph E. Adams Jr.
  and Shirlee Yvonne Adams,                                             
  Trustees for RSA Trust)                                   5,300          5,300
Alan T. Rubin                                              15,900         15,900
David W. Ruttenberg                                         5,300          5,300
Sagres Group Ltd.                                          16,198         16,198
Gordon S. Salter                                            5,300          5,300
Kaya K. Sarier                                              2,650          2,650
Barry A. Saunders                                           5,300          5,300
Jan A. Saunders                                             5,300          5,300
Robert Schlotterbeck & Barbara J. Schlotterbeck,                        
  TTEES U/A Dtd 12/22/89                                                
  The Schlotterbeck Family Trust                            5,300          5,300
Robert L. Schuessler                                        5,300          5,300
Carl F. Schwartz                                            7,950          7,950
Roberto Segovia                                             5,300          5,300
Uri R. Shabto M.D., P.C                                     5,300          5,300
Gerald Shepps                                               5,300          5,300
Melvin Silon                                                5,300          5,300
Nathaniel Silon Revocable Living Trust Dtd 6/2/93          21,200         21,200
William & Elinor Silver                                     5,300          5,300
Ronald Simon                                                1,325          1,325
Harvey Slevin, TTEE U/A Dtd 4/25/90                                     
   Harvey Slevin Revoc. Liv. Trust                          1,325          1,325
Hollis R. and Lucille B. Smith                              5,300          5,300
Philip Solomon                                              5,300          5,300
Sovereign Partners L.P.                                    21,200         21,200
Robert L. Spint Trustee For                                             
  Robert L. Spint Trust UAD 10/19/89                        5,300          5,300
Stern Joint Venture, L.P.                                  15,900         15,900
Andrew Strassman                                            5,300          5,300
Joseph & Barbara Strassman                                 21,200         21,200
Richard Strassman                                           5,300          5,300
Robert Strassman                                            2,650          2,650
Burton M. Strauss, Jr                                       5,300          5,300
Michael and Pamela Sulewski                                 2,650          2,650
Sidney Sutter                                               3,701          3,701
The 1992 Houston Partnership, L.P.                         10,600         10,600
Tokenhouse Trading Company Limited                         14,199         14,199
Alyce P. Twomey                                             2,650          2,650
Union D'Etudes et D'Investissements                       106,000        106,000
Valori Associates, Inc.                                     2,650          2,650
Donald E. and Virginia V. Vinson Trust                      5,300          5,300
J. Vitols                                                  21,200         21,200
Mark & Sallie Lynn Walko                                    6,599          6,599
Saul Waring                                                 5,300          5,300
Paul H. Warren                                             10,600         10,600
Robert J. Whetten                                           7,950          7,950
Allen Whipple                                              31,800         31,800
John R. Wiencek                                             1,619          1,619
B. R. Williamson Jr                                        10,600         10,600
Robert B. Wolford IRA                                       5,300          5,300
Charles C. Young                                            3,975          3,975


                                                             COMMON STOCK (4)
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

Lindsay A. Rosenwald, M.D. (5)(6)                         100,004        100,004
Scott A. Katzman (5)(7)                                    35,529         35,529
Michael S. Weiss (5)(8)                                    14,885         14,885
Wayne L. Rubin (5)(7)                                      14,885         14,885
Credit Agricole (5)(9)                                     10,593         10,593
A. Joseph Rudick, Jr., M.D. (5)(10)                        10,540         10,540
Tim McInerney (5)(7)                                        9,484          9,484
Martin S. Kratchman (5)(7)                                  9,121          9,121
Richard Strassman (5)(7)                                    8,501          8,501
Karl Ruggeberg (5)(7)                                       8,102          8,102
David R. Walner (5)(7)                                      5,000          5,000
Bluestone Capital (5)(9)                                    4,370          4,370
Marc Florin (5)(7)                                          3,475          3,475
Joseph Edelman (5)(7)                                       3,276          3,276
Peter M. Kash (5)(7)                                        3,122          3,122
Joseph Fabiani, Jr. (5)(7)                                  2,648          2,648
Deborah Solomon (5)(7)                                      2,489          2,489
Lauren S. Fischer (5)(7)                                    1,135          1,135
John Knox (5)(7)                                            1,135          1,135

     TOTAL                                              1,827,279      1,827,279
- ------------------------

(4)  Represents  shares  of  Common  Stock  into  which  the  shares of Series A
     Preferred  owned  by such  Selling  Securityholder  are  convertible.  This
     Registration  Statement also covers any  additional  shares of Common Stock
     which become  issuable in connection  with the shares  registered  for sale
     hereby by reason of any stock dividend,  stock split,  recapitalization  or
     other similar  transaction  effected  without the receipt of  consideration
     which results in an increase in the number of the Selling  Securityholder's
     outstanding shares of Common Stock.
(5)  Represents  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon  conversion  of Series A
     Preferred   issuable  upon  exercise  of  the  Placement   Warrants.   This
     Registration  Statement also covers any  additional  shares of Common Stock
     which become  issuable in connection  with the shares  registered  for sale
     hereby by reason of any stock dividend,  stock split,  recapitalization  or
     other similar  transaction  effected  without the receipt of  consideration
     which results in an increase in the number of the Selling  Securityholder's
     outstanding shares of Common Stock.
(6)  Lindsay A. Rosenwald,  M.D., a principal stockholder of the Company, is the
     President and sole stockholder of Paramount  Capital,  Inc.  ("Paramount").
     VentureTek,  L.P., a principal  stockholder  of the  Company,  is a limited
     partnership,  the limited partners of which include Dr.  Rosenwald's  wife,
     children, sisters of Dr. Rosenwald's wife, and their husbands and children.
(7)  Securityholder is agent of Paramount.
(8)  Michael S. Weiss, the Company's Secretary, is a Senior Managing Director of
(9)  Securityholder acted as a Selected Dealer in the Private Placement.
(10) Dr.  Rudick,  an associate of the  Placement  Agent and  Paramount  Capital
     Investments,  LLC, is a director of each of Channel Therapeutics,  Inc. and
     Optex Ophthalmologics, Inc., each a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

     The preceding table was prepared based upon information  furnished to us by
Continental  Stock  Transfer  & Trust  Company.  From  time to time,  additional
information  concerning  ownership  of the shares of Common  Stock may rest with
certain holders thereof not named in the preceding  table,  with whom we believe
we have no affiliation.

     The  following  table  sets  forth the  number  of  shares of Common  Stock
previously  issued upon conversion of shares of Series A Preferred.  Such shares
of Common Stock are beneficially owned by stockholders of the Company identified
in the Prospectus as Selling  Securityholders.  Because any or all of the shares
of Common Stock listed below may be offered for sale pursuant to this Prospectus
by the  Selling  Securityholders  from time to time,  and  because  the  Selling
Securityholders  identified  below  may  have  sold,  transferred  or  otherwise
disposed of all or a portion of their  shares of Common  Stock since the date on
which the information regarding their shares of


Common Stock was  provided,  we cannot  estimate the amounts of shares of Common
Stock that will be held by the Selling  Securityholders upon consummation of any
such  sales.  The  following  table  should be  inserted  immediately  after the
preceding table.

                                                              COMMON STOCK
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

Leonard Adams II                                            2,656          2,656
The Alfred J. Anzalone Family Limited Partnership           2,650          2,650
Mario Aristizabal                                               2              2
Arterio, Inc.                                               9,600          9,600
Austost Anstalt Schaan                                     13,600         13,600
Michael A. Berlinger                                        2,488          2,488
Douglas M. Bern                                             1,988          1,988
The Bios Equity Fund                                        6,200          6,200
Devora Chasanoff                                            3,975          3,975
Concordia Partners                                            770            770
Robert J. Conrads                                               1              1
Cowen & Co. Cust. Ronald M. Lazar - IRA                     1,988          1,988
Cowen & Co. Cust. Elliot Fatoullah - IRA                    1,988          1,988
Cowen & Co. Cust. Ronald Fatoullah - Keogh                  1,988          1,988
Cowen & Co. Cust. John Gross - IRA                          3,975          3,975
Cowen & Co. Cust. Charles Re-Keogh                                     
  Def. Contrib. Profit Sharing                              1,988          1,988
Cowen & Co. Cust. Andrew Grossman - IRA                     1,988          1,988
Cowen & Co. Cust. Roger Marks                                          
  Keogh Profit Sharing Plan                                 1,988          1,988
Cowen & Co. Cust. Anthony G. Polak - IRA                    3,975          3,975
Cowen & Co. Cust. Jack Polak Keogh Plan                     3,975          3,975
Cowen & Co. Cust. Wolfe Model - IRA                         1,988          1,988
Archibald Cox, Jr                                               1              1
Credit Suisse Private Banking Geneva                      106,000        106,000
Elke R. De Ramirez                                          1,120          1,120
DLJ Cust. Smithson Ventures Money Purchase Pension Plan     7,800          7,800
D N B Fund Partners L.P.                                   13,250         13,250
Domaco Venture Capital Fund                                 4,004          4,004
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp.                          
  Cust. FBO Richard B. Chanin - IRA                         3,300          3,300
J. William Doyle                                            2,650          2,650
S. Edmond Farber                                            3,975          3,975
Joseph Feshbach & Hilary Feshbach Jt. Ten                   2,650          2,650
Shelley Garfinkel                                           8,600          8,600
Barry Goldin & Barbara Goldin Jt. Ten                       3,975          3,975
Bruce C. Gomberg                                            1,988          1,988
Ofelia Anton Gomez                                              1              1
Michael J. Gordon                                               1              1
Robert P. Gordon                                                2              2
Joan Grillo                                                 1,988          1,988
Leonard Grunstein                                               1              1
Chaya Harari & Sherri Harari Jt .Ten                        1,988          1,988
Julian Herskowitz                                           1,325          1,325
Norton F. Hight                                             3,975          3,975
Randall W. Hight                                            3,975          3,975
Hull Overseas, Ltd.                                        10,600         10,600
Patrick M. Kane                                                 1              1
Amram Kass P.C. Defined Benefit Pension Plan                    2              2
Stanley Katz                                                2,650          2,650
Ronald Lazar & Barbara Lazar Jt. Ten                        1,988          1,988
Jerry Levine                                                3,975          3,975
Lowrie Management Ltd.                                      8,100          8,100
Harris R. L. Lydon, Jr                                      1,650          1,650
Selwyn Malisoff & Barbara Malisoff Jt. Ten                  1,325          1,325
William G. McCahey & Lisa Krivacka Jt. Ten                  4,300          4,300
Paul M. Millman                                             1,988          1,988
Drew Netter & Carin S. Netter Jt. Ten                       3,975          3,975
Bruce H. Paul                                               4,449          4,449


                                                              COMMON STOCK
                                                          SHARES         SHARES
                                                       BENEFICIALLY      OFFERED
- -------------------------------------------                -----         ------

William Peterson and Catherine Peterson Jt. Ten             3,300          3,300
Anthony G. Polak                                            3,975          3,975
Shulamit Reinharz                                           1,988          1,988
RL Capital Partners                                        11,925         11,925
Romajo Partners Limited Partnership                         2,650          2,650
Sagres Group Ltd.                                               1              1
Wayne Saker                                                 2,662          2,662
Robert Shapiro & Sandra Shapiro Jt. Ten                     1,988          1,988
J. F. Shea Co., Inc.                                       63,600         63,600
Andrew J. Siegel                                            4,000          4,000
Harvey Slevin, TTEE U/A Dtd 4/25/90                                    
  Harvey Slevin Revoc. Liv. Trust                           1,325          1,325
Smith Barney, Inc. Cust. Lorraine C. Ecker - IRA            5,300          5,300
Murray Stadtmauer & Clare Stadtmauer Jt. Ten                3,975          3,975
Michele L. Tarica                                           3,975          3,975
UFH Endowment Limited                                      15,700         15,700
Lawrence Warner                                             2,650          2,650
John Randall Wear                                           2,650          2,650
Alfred C. Zuck                                              3,975          3,975
     TOTAL                                                945,018        945,018
     The preceding table was prepared based upon information  furnished to us by
Continental  Stock  Transfer  & Trust  Company.  From  time to time,  additional
information  concerning  ownership  of the shares of Common  Stock may rest with
certain holders thereof not named in the preceding  table,  with whom we believe
we have no affiliation.

                            DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES


     Conversion.  Pursuant to the  Certificate of  Designations  of the Series A
Preferred, on August 7, 1998, the conversion price of the Series A Preferred was
adjusted from $4.72 per share to $3.06 per share. As a result,  on such date the
conversion  rate of the Series A Preferred  was adjusted such that each share of
Series A  Preferred  converted  after  August 7, 1998 is  convertible  into 3.27
shares of Common Stock, whereas each share of Series A Preferred converted prior
to August 7, 1998 was convertible into 2.12 shares of Common Stock.
